2025 Couples League Schedule
Grab a partner and join us for an evening of golf, fun, and dinner! The couples league features six shotgun start events and four events with tee times, all conducted on Friday evenings starting in May and concluding in September. Price is $100 per couple and includes a 9-hole green fee, golf cart, prize fund, and dinner. Join us for one or all of these events.
Format: 9-hole, 4-person handicap scrambles
Cost: $100 per couple per event ( includes: green fee, golf cart, prize fund, and dinner.) Pay online and save time
Start Time
- Shotgun starts will start play at 5 pm
Handicap: Handicaps will be calculated using Peoria, Callaway or Wilson methods.
Event Dates (all events are Fridays):
Date | Menu |
Friday, May 9
5 p.m.Shotgun Start |
Friday, June 6
5 p.m.Shotgun Start |
Friday June 27 | 5 p.m.Shotgun Start |
Friday, July 25
5 p.m.Shotgun Start |
Friday August 8 | 5 p.m.Shotgun Start |
Friday, August 22 |
5 p.m.Shotgun Start |
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